About the Authors

Uncountable Infinities: Dominic Dayta is a short story writer from the Philippines. More about him and his work can be found on his website: dominicdayta.com.

Crystal and Her Lionfish: Marshall Geck is an emerging writer, environmental advocate, traveller, politico, and hopeless idealist with a sense of humor. He is a dual citizen of Minnesota and California, but currently resides in Washington, D.C., where he works on sustainable finance and climate change issues. So far, his stories have appeared in The Hungry Chimera.

The Surface Tension of Water: Toby Wallis' writing has previously appeared in Glimmer Train, The Nottingham Review, Belle Ombre, among others. In 2016, he won Glimmer Train's short story award for new writers, and has been shortlisted for The Raymond Carver short story contest, The Bridport prize, and The Brick Lane Bookshop short story prize.

Can't You See I'm Covered in Blood?: Marianna Nash is a writer from Queens. Her work has appeared in Gone Lawn, Cosmonauts Avenue, The Nashville Review, Bridge Eight, Entropy, and other places in print and online.

Rounding: Andrew Jason Jacono is a recent graduate of Wesleyan University, and holds a degree in English and French Studies. A proud Manhattan native, he has been writing ever since he could hold a pen. His work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in Cleaver Magazine, Ginosko Literary Journal, Green Briar Review, and Litbreak Magazine, among others. If you'd like to learn more about him, you can visit his website: www.andrewjacono.com.